Anonymous Beer Blog #10

I have partnered with a long-time friend to jump into the craft-beer business. This blog is dedicated to highlighting our journey from onset to fruition and possibly beyond. In this, the tenth edition – WeyLey Push and a fresh perspective on technique.

With prior releases of WeyLey, we focused deliveries of our samples to an audience of experienced brewers and discerning beer drinkers whom we know personally. The end goal was to develop our brewing process and recipe. Given their feedback and suggestions, we felt that we were ready to expose our recipe to a broader audience. Our strategy was simple… Share the beer with established bloggers, reviewers and tasters who can help us spread the word. The result was overwhelmingly positive and has provided a major motivational boost as we continue to edge our way towards our first commercial batch.

The Batch

For those who haven’t had the chance to taste WeyLey, it is on the surface a simple red ale with an initial centennial hop driven bite that is balanced by the dynamic sweetness inherent in a Marris Otter base. Adding to the flavor is a slight buttery finish acquired during the fermentation process. Given this, I like to describe it as a buttered biscuit dipped in a lightly spiced oil. With only minor adjustments to the hop schedule and a measured limitation on carbonation, this release of WeyLey is very similar to the last.

The Experts

First off, we are extremely grateful for the support of everyone that has provided us with valuable insights and opinions. We will forever value the importance of quality in our beers over anything… Given this, we are entirely genuine when we talk about how much we value your feedback… whether positive or negative. So once again, #thankyou to all of you whom we were able to share a sample with. We sincerely appreciate it. We will reach out to you with samples from the next batch as an additional thanks…

@visualhops@beerandthoughts @dudesandbrews@thorahlander @massbeer @porkandpintsboston @bostonbeerhunter@pintsonthepike @inhopswetrust1980

The FeedBack

Unbelievable… follow us on Instagram @anonymousbrewing for details.


photocred: @porkandpintsboston

What’s Next

While we are still optimistic about a spring batch, there is still a lot outside of our control as we move forward. What we can still control though, is our beer and sampling. We have developed a recipe for a juice bomb that utilizes techniques, ingredients and brew theories that we expect to result in an unforgettable beer. We look forward to sharing with you again.


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